Hand Towel Topper

I simply wanted a replacement for the crochet topped hanging hand towel that was given to me many years ago. So I decided I could figure this out and knit a topper.
Hand Towel
A 3 oz of worsted weight yarn
Size 7 Knitting Needles
12 Safety Pins
Darning Needle
Large Button

Cut hand towel in half.
Fold over cut end twice, safety pin in place.
Run a stitch back and forth leaving enough room for your knitting needle to fit in the loop seeming up the top of the dish cloth while casting on by slipping knitting needles through the stitches leaving loops on the needle. (You can also use a crochet needle and place the loops on the needles. Choose whatever method works best for you. The idea is to seam up the top and punch through the towel to get loops on the knitting needles.)
The aim is to get 53 stitches on you knitting needles. If you don’t get that amount don’t worry about it. On row 6 you will increase or decrease to end up with 53.
Row 1: Knit and count the amount of stitch you have. I ended up with 53. (WS)
Row 2: K1, P1 (RS)
Row 3: Knit the knits and Purl the Purls (WS)
Row 4: Knit the knits and Purl the Purls
Row 5: Knit the knits and Purl the Purls
Row 6: Knit and do even increases or decreases to reach 53 sts.
Row 7 and all odd rows to row 29: Purl
Row 8: K11, k2 togo, place marker, k11, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k11, ssk, k11
Row 10: K10, k2 togo, place marker, k10, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k10, ssk, k10
Row 12: K9, k2 togo, place marker, k9, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k9, ssk, k9
Row 14: K8, k2 togo, place marker, k8, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k8, ssk, k8
Row 16: K7, k2 togo, place marker, k7, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k7, ssk, k7
Row 18: K6, k2 togo, place marker, k6, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k6, ssk, k6
Row 20: K5, k2 togo, place marker, k5, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k5, ssk, k5
Row 22: K4, k2 togo, place marker, k4, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k4, ssk, k4
Row 24: K3, k2 togo, place marker, k3, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k3, ssk, k3
Row 26: K2, k2 togo, place marker, k2, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k2, ssk, k2
Row 28: K1, k2 togo, place marker, k1, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k1, ssk, k1 (9 stitch)
Remove Safety Pins
Start Neck:
Row 30: K1, P1 (RS)
Row 31: Knit the knits and Purl the Purls (WS)
Repeat Row 30 & 31 (10 times)
Button Hole:
K3, BO 3, K3 (turn)
K3, turn CO 3, turn, K3
Row 1: K1, P1 (RS)
Row 2: Knit the knits and Purl the Purls (WS)
BO 9
Weave in ends. Sew on button.