Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My First Sell

My Frist Sell

Many times I have told people, I knit for fun and don't take orders. Well, after coming to the realization that in order to be a business I have to actually sell something, I let go of my old adage and took two orders. Thankfully the buyers loved the hats and I can now say that I run a small business. My next hurdle is to come up with a name that isn't already taken.

If I had more subscribers I might have a contest to try and come up with a name. As it is right now I have TwistedStitch Hand Knits and Yarn Closet Designs.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Independence Day Baby Blanket Pattern

Independence Day Baby Blanket Pattern
Using the Bond Ultimate Sweater Machine

I've started a new blog, you can check it out at:

1 skein each of Red, White and Blue Worsted Weight “I Love This Yarn” (7 oz., 355 yrds)
Be careful and test yarn to see if it will bleed.
Bond Ultimate Sweater Machine
Keyplate 3 ½
Claw Weights
Row Counter

Needles Required: 56

Stitch Pattern:
Seed Stitch (K1 P1 then Purl the Knits and Knit the Purls)
To do this you knit one row then go back with hand tool and drop and knit every other row Knit the next tow and drop and knit the opposite needle as the row before.

Independence Day Baby Blanket”
Panel A
Using Red yarn CO 56 using closed cast on method.
Row 1: Knit
Row 2 – 10: Seed Stitch
Row 11 – Knit and keep the last 6 stitches on right in seed stitch
Continue until 229 rows read on your row counter
Row 230 – 239: Seed Stitch
Row 240: Knit then closed bind off

Panel B
Using White yarn CO 50 using closed cast on method
Use the sew as you go method to attach Panel A on the left side of Panel B, making sure to grab the bar and have the purl side facing you.
Row 1: Knit
Row 2 – 10: Seed Stitch
Row 11 – 229: Knit
Row 230 – 239: Seed Stitch
Row 240: Knit then closed bind off

Panel C
Using Blue yarn CO 56 Using closed cast on method
Use the sew as you go method to attach Panel AB to the left side of Panel C, making sure to grab the bar and have the purl side facing you.
Row 1: Knit
Row 2 – 10: Seed Stitch
Row 11 – Knit and keep the last 6 stitches on right in seed stitch
Continue until 229 rows read on your row counter
Row 230 – 239: Seed Stitch
Row 240: Knit then closed bind off

Weave in ends, wash block and enjoy.

Hand Towel Topper Pattern

Hand Towel Topper

I simply wanted a replacement for the crochet topped hanging hand towel that was given to me many years ago. So I decided I could figure this out and knit a topper.

Hand Towel
A 3 oz of worsted weight yarn
Size 7 Knitting Needles
12 Safety Pins
Darning Needle
Large Button

Cut hand towel in half.

Fold over cut end twice, safety pin in place.

Run a stitch back and forth leaving enough room for your knitting needle to fit in the loop seeming up the top of the dish cloth while casting on by slipping knitting needles through the stitches leaving loops on the needle. (You can also use a crochet needle and place the loops on the needles. Choose whatever method works best for you. The idea is to seam up the top and punch through the towel to get loops on the knitting needles.)

The aim is to get 53 stitches on you knitting needles. If you don’t get that amount don’t worry about it. On row 6 you will increase or decrease to end up with 53.

Row 1: Knit and count the amount of stitch you have. I ended up with 53. (WS)
Row 2: K1, P1 (RS)
Row 3: Knit the knits and Purl the Purls (WS)
Row 4: Knit the knits and Purl the Purls
Row 5: Knit the knits and Purl the Purls
Row 6: Knit and do even increases or decreases to reach 53 sts.
Row 7 and all odd rows to row 29: Purl
Row 8: K11, k2 togo, place marker, k11, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k11, ssk, k11
Row 10: K10, k2 togo, place marker, k10, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k10, ssk, k10
Row 12: K9, k2 togo, place marker, k9, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k9, ssk, k9
Row 14: K8, k2 togo, place marker, k8, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k8, ssk, k8
Row 16: K7, k2 togo, place marker, k7, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k7, ssk, k7
Row 18: K6, k2 togo, place marker, k6, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k6, ssk, k6
Row 20: K5, k2 togo, place marker, k5, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k5, ssk, k5
Row 22: K4, k2 togo, place marker, k4, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k4, ssk, k4
Row 24: K3, k2 togo, place marker, k3, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k3, ssk, k3
Row 26: K2, k2 togo, place marker, k2, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k2, ssk, k2
Row 28: K1, k2 togo, place marker, k1, k2 togo, slip marker, k1, slip marker, ssk, k1, ssk, k1 (9 stitch)

Remove Safety Pins

Start Neck:
Row 30: K1, P1 (RS)
Row 31: Knit the knits and Purl the Purls (WS)
Repeat Row 30 & 31 (10 times)

Button Hole:
K3, BO 3, K3 (turn)
K3, turn CO 3, turn, K3
Row 1: K1, P1 (RS)
Row 2: Knit the knits and Purl the Purls (WS)
BO 9

Weave in ends. Sew on button.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Baby Blanket is Done

I made this blanket with the Ultimate Sweater Machine. Pattern to come soon... (as I type it up)

Works in Progress

Now and then it's a good thing to take stock of all the wonderful items on your needles. This way you can tell how really scatter brained you really are. I've decided to post my many works in progress. Now these are just my active works. I would have to dig in the knitting closet to find the few inactive works. Frankly, I just don't want to do that, or admitted how many unfinished items I've put away for one reason or another. I do know that somewhere out there is a sweater I started awhile ago that is missing in action. I found the extra yarn but have misplaced the pattern and beginnings of the work. But honestly I don't remember how much I had completed or the name of the pattern. Oh well, it will appear someday when it's ready to be finished.

Baby Blanket

This project is the closet to done. I just have to finish washing and then it's on to blocking.
Mason Dixon Wash Cloth

This project is a fast knit, and my excuse for carrying a large hand bag. I plan on getting a stack of these done to give out as gifts this year. I plan to always have one on the needles. This is what I call my purse knitting. I have a special area in my purse for a project.
The Friday Night Knitting Club
Okay I know, this isn't a knitting project. However, I claim it as an unfinished work because I haven't finished reading it. It's hard, because when I start reading I stop to go knit.
Lake Burridge Aran Afghan
Those of you that know me, know that I have given myself 3 years to finish this afghan. So far it has been 2 years and I'm about 1/4th of the way through the 3rd panel. Not to bad. This afghan has three long panels then two small that go at the head and foot. This project lives in a speacial bag and gets knitted on when I don't want to knit anything else and am not ready to cast on a new project.
Snowflack Ear Flap Hat
I'm almost done with this hat. It's a personal design that I'm knitting for a second time using my pattern instructions to make sure I didn't forget something. Unfortantly I have had to make a few revision to the pattern. But I'm glad I decided to go through the pattern this way.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Knitting with the Girls

We had a blast knitting tonight. Becca's working on my Ear Flap Hat pattern, I'm knitting a washcloth from Mason-Dixon, and Karen is using the Bond Ultimate Sweater Machine to make a baby blanket.

We started at 3pm meeting at a local bagel/coffee shop to knit with other local knitters. Then came back to my house to hang and knit some more. Karen brought chicken breasts with a sauce that was to die for. Becca made the coffee and I smoked up the house when I started a fire without knowing the flu was closed. Once we gave up on the fire and sat down to eat the fire kicked up and decided to actually produce a flame. (for a little bit)

This lovely night lasted until 12:30am. All three of us made so many mistakes that very little got accomplished, but we had an awesome time.

Lessons Learned:
Check the flu
Check the direction of the fan before turning it on in a smoke filled room
Don't get offended when you ask someone a question and get a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 as an answer
It doesn't matter how many times you count, you will be off
Row counters can make mistakes too
Jenny can't say the name of the movie Oh Brother Where Art Thou without totally messing it up
Karen is tight, Becca is right on and Jenny is loose (this is a knitting reference, I promise)
Three women can knit together for over 9 hours without finishing a project (some don't even get finished casting on)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Love the Mail Man...

I got a box today from Knit Picks!!! Tonight I am trying out for the first time Zephyr Needles.

Yesterday's knitting went into the can. I went back to the dark green cotton to try out my new needles. Although I don't have a clue what I'm knitting, I'm casting on just for the pure joy of it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time To Start A New Project

I casted on for a new pattern the night before last. I don't really know what it's going to be, but we will see. Right now I cast on 120 sts and am working in a 2X2 basket weave pattern. I'm thinking it will be a hat.