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• 1 Ball of Green Worsted Weight Cotton (50g)
• 1 Ball of Cream Worsted Weight Cotton (50g)
• Size 4, 19” Circular needles or 5 dpn (this hat can be knitting using a longer circular cord and done in magic loop method)
• Stitch Markers
• Tapestry Needle
• Stitch Holder (or extra dpn)
24 stitches and 40 rounds = 4 inches
Earflaps: (make 2) MC
Cast on 4 stitches using cable cast on.
Rows 1 (RS) and 2: Knit
Row 3: K1,yo, knit to last st, yo, k1
Row 4 and 6: Knit
Row 5: Rep Row 3
Row 7: K1, yo, knit to last st, yo k1
Row 8: K3, p to last 3 sts, k3
Rep Rows 7-8 until there are 20 sts
Keeping first and last 3 sts in garter st (knit every row), and rem sts in St st (RS knit, WS purl), work even until earflap measures 2 ½ inches (4 rows). Place sts on Stitch Holder (or extra dpn).
With MC Cast on 120 sts using Cable Cast On. Join without twisting, pm between first and last st. Marker will be the center back of hat.
Next rnd: [K2, p2] 5 times, with RS facing you, place one earflap behind work. Working in k2, p2 rib, work 1 st from main needle and 1 earflap st tog until all earflap sts have been joined. Work in rib over next 40 sts, join 2nd earflap as for first, work in rib to end of rnd.
Work even in 2X2 rib for 1 ½ inches.
Next rnd: With CC knit 10 rnd, inc 5 stitches in the 10th round.
Start Pattern: (gray = main color, white = contrast color) Pattern Repeats 5 times around hat.

Decreasing Rounds:
Dec Rnd 1: Change to CC Knit
Dec Rnd 2: Dec 5 sts evenly (120 sts)
Dec Rnds 3 through 7 and all odd round: Knit
Dec Rnd 8: *K9, K2tog*
Dec Rnd 10: *K8, K2tog*
Dec Rnd 12: *K7, K2tog*
Dec Rnd 14: *K6, K2tog*
Continue in decrease rounds pattern until 11 stitches remain. K2tog 5 times, K1
Last rnd: *K2tog* 3 stitches remain. Cut yarn and using tapestry needle thread yarn through last remaining stitches. Weave in ends.
Cut 6 strands of MC and 6 strands of CC 24 inches long. Using tapestry needle, thread one strand of mc and one cc color through end of ear flap 3 times on each flap. Divides strands into three groups and braid, tie in knot at end.
last revision: 03/18/2010