I thought by organizing my yarn closet I would be able to find stash busting projects to use up my yarn. Well... I made a trip to Hobby Lobby and found sock yarn, I Love This Wool and I Love This Cotton. OMG!!
Also, after listening to the Pod cast from Knit Picks I decided to order socks for soldier’s sock yarn needles and books. Needless to say I purchased more yarn and stuff then I use.
I did have a funny sock yarn story... I was knitting toe up two at a time with Heart and Sole yarn. This is my first time using this yarn actually my first time using self patterning yarn. I was about 2 inches in when I noticed the patterns weren’t the same for both socks. I wonder about my gauge... nope can’t be that... then I convinced myself that it was the manufacture... they messed up on the pattern in one of the balls. After 4 inches I noticed that if I flipped one of the socks upside down the patterns matched... Duh!!! Then I remembered reading in one of the Yarn Harlot books that one time she wound a ball backwards and it messed up the pattern. So I frogged and wound one ball the other way and now I’m on my way...
Another fine mess... Last year I made a few scarves for the men at Thom’s office. I was amazed that they loved them let alone wore them. This winter they all broke out there scarves and wore them proudly. One of the new guys made a comment about the scarves that resulted in a request. So I made up another scarf over the weekend. It was also pointed out that the one guy in the office that loves to bake, (and makes the best brownies, he also makes sure Thom gets an extra for me) didn’t get a scarf last year. I had Thom find out what color and I started making the scarf. The man is a bigger guy and so his scarf needs to be a lot longer. I was almost finished when I ran out of yarn. It is still on the needles until I can make it to the store to get more yarn.
Right now I have the following UFOs:
1. Scarf for Matt – need to get more yarn
Also, after listening to the Pod cast from Knit Picks I decided to order socks for soldier’s sock yarn needles and books. Needless to say I purchased more yarn and stuff then I use.
I did have a funny sock yarn story... I was knitting toe up two at a time with Heart and Sole yarn. This is my first time using this yarn actually my first time using self patterning yarn. I was about 2 inches in when I noticed the patterns weren’t the same for both socks. I wonder about my gauge... nope can’t be that... then I convinced myself that it was the manufacture... they messed up on the pattern in one of the balls. After 4 inches I noticed that if I flipped one of the socks upside down the patterns matched... Duh!!! Then I remembered reading in one of the Yarn Harlot books that one time she wound a ball backwards and it messed up the pattern. So I frogged and wound one ball the other way and now I’m on my way...
Another fine mess... Last year I made a few scarves for the men at Thom’s office. I was amazed that they loved them let alone wore them. This winter they all broke out there scarves and wore them proudly. One of the new guys made a comment about the scarves that resulted in a request. So I made up another scarf over the weekend. It was also pointed out that the one guy in the office that loves to bake, (and makes the best brownies, he also makes sure Thom gets an extra for me) didn’t get a scarf last year. I had Thom find out what color and I started making the scarf. The man is a bigger guy and so his scarf needs to be a lot longer. I was almost finished when I ran out of yarn. It is still on the needles until I can make it to the store to get more yarn.
Right now I have the following UFOs:

Wow I didn’t realize I had so many... Guess I got to get knitting....
Sorry for the bad pic’s – I used my iphone because I computer doesn’t like reading the chip from the good camera.
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